
The 'Good Side' of Global Warming

So, I thought it was kind of funny when I saw a commercial for one of those new reality TV shows, where a girl said 'I know Global Warming is a problem, but it's really helping my tan.'
I guess some people are kind of in denial of the magnitude of the problem. Or maybe their priorities are just a little skewed. Anyway, here is a list of 5 good effects of Global Warming from environmentalgraffiti.com.

"5. Booming businesses….in the Arctic
The world economy needs a shot in the arm. I know the feds just cut interest rates by .75, but that's nothing compared to what a melted Arctic circle could do. Without all that pesky ice in the way, the Arctic ocean would be completely open, creating a brand new trade route from the Atlantic to Asia. It's only traversable in the summer now, but global warming could open it year round, saving money for everyone. It might kill the polar bears, but business would boom in the north, which it sorely needs. Plus you'd save fuel on shipping, so if you think about it a melted Arctic circle is almost "green".

4. Florida trailer parks will finally be safe
For years scientists have been quick to claim that global warming will cause more severe storms and a rise in hurricanes and all that sort of severe weather. But a brand new study in the journal Geophysical Research Letters suggests that it might actually be the opposite. The researchers suggest that warmer temperatures will actually decrease the amount of hurricanes that hit the US each year. So feel free to drive your RV down near Miami and just hang out for a while. You're safe from everything except alligators and high murder rates!

3. More summer fun! WOOOOOOOOO!
Summer itself won't technically last longer, as the dates are based on sunlight instead of temperature. But if you define summer by warm temperatures, you're in luck. It'll stay hot for much longer, so stock up on bathing suits now.

2. More food
This one's related a bit to the longer summers. Those hotter temperatures would also translate into a longer growing season. Plus, plants love CO2! It's like food for them. All that global warming causing CO2 would act like a fertilizer. With free airborne plant fertilizer and longer growing seasons, food production will skyrocket. Of course, this is assuming that global warming doesn't cause massive droughts or floods that destroy the crops. As long as that doesn't happen we're golden!

1. Less dead people
Assuming there aren't any wars over scarce resources, food production stays ok, sea levels don't drown people, and basically nothing else bad happens, we can expect less people to die in the winter. Global warming would cause winter temperatures to rise. In addition to saving us money on our heating bills, this could literally save billions in health care costs and mean less dead people during the colder months. One study said that warmer winters could save up to 40,000 lives a year in the US alone, mostly the young and elderly, with the reductions mostly in things like pneumonia deaths and other cold weather diseases.

( check out the actual page to find more links about all of these 'studies.' )

interesting perspective. As a good friend would say, 'you'll have that.' In fact, according to Urban Dictionary people are already referring to this phenomena as


. sad but funny.


Hello to the World Wide Web

I don't know how many people are going to see this, so I'm not really sure what to write. For those who don't know me personally... too bad.
I am starting this blog because I had to do it for a class, but I have a feeling it is going to be replacing myspace. My goal with this blog is to talk to other people like me, who love art, and would love to see more of it! I am also going to be promoting Franciscos Farm Arts Festival, a great new annual show in Midway, Kentucky, and probably talking about some different artists, architects and interior designers (since that is my major). I would love any comments and input that you can give on my blog, and hopefully I can get a few good discussions going :)